Tuesday, August 26, 2008

. . . neglected to clean

my brushes and other equipment, for a long long time.

I believe the pot of water in which my brushes were standing was the petri dish for many one-celled organisms that had colonized.

But what unexpected inspiration came out of the sludge. And now I have a bunch of clean brushes, too.

The picture above is a bit of a different matter. . . it's the hardened layers of gunk that I scraped off one of my trowels and another spreading tool.

Man, inspiration just hits you upside the head sometimes. . . especially if you're in the mood. And I am, I guess. . . yes, I did paint yesterday, and it wasn't furniture, either (don't tell anyone, but I'm pretty much done with the latest load I have on hand and the store is almost ready to be occupied.) I got started on a 40" x 40" and thank goodness it's going very very well. Pictures to come, I hope, of both furniture and painting.

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