At the moment I can't understand what may have led me to believe I could be any kind of an artist. Where's the innovation? I'm just a regular person, not an inspired creative genius. I like to play with texture and color, but is that art? I don't know.

So while I ponder these weighty issues, I will leave you with more pictures of the West Bottoms. These pictures were taken with my first digital camera. . . now the inventor of those was a genius. . . quite a while ago. I remember the day, because I talked my son into accompanying me to the area and he drove around while I shot pictures quite randomly. Quality time with Matt . . . priceless.
I call myself an artist but if I am honest, I just enjoy making images. A little painting, a bit of collage, some digital enhancement and other ways of putting an image together. I would not call myself a creative genius but I enjoy it and luckily do not need to make a living at it; it's just a hobby. So I will leave you with your question unanswered, except to say that we can't all be geniuses.
BTW just looked at your flickr site, I thoroughly enjoyed your artwork. Most of it is seriously inspired and inspiring. Great stuff. - John
Thanks, Arty, for the compliment and the words of wisdom. I think if I really needed to make a living at my art, I would be more productive and more creative and aggressive in marketing it. Of course, with economic times being what they are, I may need to get busy.
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