EVERYBODY GETS A COLLAGE. Anyone who commented in the last few days and requested a collage gets one. Yep, I'm celebrating one year of blogging, and if you cared enough to comment, you get a sample of my work. Please email me at mary c buek at aol dot com (you know the drill, and if you don't, comment here) and tell me your mailing address, and give me your first three choices, by date of the blog on which it is posted. I will try to make sure eveyone gets what they want.
I did get into the studio yesterday, and I prepped a large canvas and painted some of it last night. While waiting for it to dry between layers, I made this small collage. It's based on a photo of a plastered wall. I think I'm getting back into the routine of painting. But now instead of heading upstairs to do something else, I hope to make these small collages while I wait for paint to dry.
Now I have to go call my mother. I became so involved with computer stuff last Saturday that I completely forgot, the first time in years that I haven't called her at 8:30 on Saturday morning for our weekly chat. She finally called me at 9:30. . . I think she was worried about me. Interesting, isn't it, that no matter how old you might be, your mom still worries about you.
I can't believe I missed the collage give away by one day! Will you please bend the rules a little for me? I love your work and have lurked here for about three weeks while I get my head ready to try some collages myself.
I have an AOL email for you --- is that still current? Thanks!
Everybody gets a collage?!! Wow!
BTW I mentioned you in my blog yesterday with a link back.
Congratulations! I look forward to visiting every day for the next 365. I am also very excited about winning one of your wonderful collages.
yeow! lucky lucky me! one of your collages, here, in my very own space!sending my address asap!
Aren’t you something! How fun and generous. We will all be able to say, “And I have an original Mary Buek”. I plan to be a bit smug about it! Thanks Mary.
This is very exciting! I will send an email
So I am lucky! It is very generous of you to offer a collage to everyone who responded. Now I have the difficult task of deciding on 3- that will take awhile. I'll send my address to your email. Many thanks for this ray of sunshine as I face another storm coming tomorrow.
AWWW, I so hope I didn't miss your give away...I am inspired by your work and your work ethic.
I am just venturing into paper & fabric collage and love the medium.
I would love one of your works.
Blessings, (^^I^^'s)
AWWW, I sure hope I didn't miss your give away...I adore your work. I am just venturing into collage, both paper & fabric and you are an inpiration.
What a week to pick to be behind on my blog surfing! Arggh! In any case, congratulations on keeping the promise to yourself of daily postings. And you are one generous soul with this giveaway!
What a milestone, Mary—one full year of art blogging! Congratulations!
Deb: Please email me at mary c buek at aol dot come and let me know your three choices and your mailing address. Of course I will include you. Thanks for liking my art.
Hi, Karen: When are you coming to KC? Yes, that address is still current.
Anita, thanks for the link back. I love your blog.
Miki, thanks so much for joining in the fun. I hope I can keep this up, too.
Jeane: You sound incredibly busy, I don't know how you manage everything. I look forward to hearing more about your theater work, as well as your art.
Leslie, you crack me up. . . you betcha (as was so popular a few months back), in 100 years, someone will come across one of these little collages and send it to Sotheby's and it will be deemed immeasurably valuable and the art world will be abuzz. Probably by then all art will be beamed into our heads through technology and paper will be obsolete, and this will be real old school.
Leslie, you crack me up. . . you betcha (as was so popular a few months back), in 100 years, someone will come across one of these little collages and send it to Sotheby's and it will be deemed immeasurably valuable and the art world will be abuzz. Probably by then all art will be beamed into our heads through technology and paper will be obsolete, and this will be real old school.
Eve: I'm glad you like my art. It makes me happy to think someone will own something I made with a personal connection.
Margaret: Thanks for the comment. Glad to be someone's sunshine.
Patti: As I told Deb, of course, please send me your email address at mary c buek at aol dot come and tell me which three you would like. Please come back to the blog and visit often.
Seth: You were my first cyber art buddy so no way am I going to leave you out of this give-away. Unfortunately I have lost your mailing address, so if you would send it to me again, as well as your top three choices, I will be most happy to send you a collage. That would not even come close to enough thanks for all your have done.
thank you, Gina, and if you want a collage, too, just let me know and it's yours.
Everyone??? That is so generous of you, thank you thank you thank you... I'll email soon.
It is funny about mothers. I'm 47, mom is 81 and yeah, she still worries. The other day I called her on it and she answered "I gave birth to you, you'll always be my baby". I had a misty eyed moment there, and I do not do tears.
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