On Sunday, I picked Betsy up at her house and we took off for the Brookside Art Annual, leaving Joey screaming in his mother's arms because he wanted to go, too. Not to the art show, just anywhere . . . We get to the show and at the second booth we meet up with the obligatory grouchy artist guy who growls at Betsy not to touch anything, even though she was still a few feet away. At all the following tents, if I even come close to a painting or piece of art, Betsy's telling me "Don't touch, Nana." After the show, we took off for the bookstore. . .

At Barnes and Noble, Betsy finds two scrapbook-type books, one for Hannah Montanna and the other for High School Musical. She asks if she can have those books. She also tells me that we will leave the books at Nana's house, and asks me not to tell her mother that she has these books, because her mother thinks they are too old for Betsy. Okay, why not, what are grandmothers for anyway? The we hit Wendy's for our usual lunch out with Nana. Then home. Inspire perhaps by the art fair, Betsy asks to paint. We set up a small table and chair in the driveway, get out tons of paper, some craft paints, numerous brushes, a smock (my old T-shirt) and a glass of water. Betsy, like her grandmother, has a penchant for the color red, in any of its permutations. I watched her smear the paint on thickly, indiscriminantly, with abandon, no thought of whether it's good or not. Just to see the colors. Here are some of her works. Betsy was proud to learn about monoprinting. . . the top painting is a monoprint of the second painting. The third is my favorite of all . . . it looks like a flower to me. Betsy's mom like this one best, too.

Joey brought his parents to the house for supper, along with Uncle Matt, and we ate hamburgers, rode bikes, played in the yard, and they took a long shower and made shaving cream tea and crumpets in the shower. I was happy that during supper Betsy whispered to her mother that she had picked out the Hannah Montanna and High School Musical books. The books were indeed left at Nana's but Mommy didn't get mad. Such a full day, and I learned something about art, too.
The communication in this art is sophisticated and full of vigorous life force. I suggest the artist continue, as the world needs her art! Sounds like a fun day Mary!
What a sweet day to treasure always. I miss the days when my nieces were small and we would play with art for hours. You have taken me back to those pleasant memories. Thanks!
Betsy is such a wonderful artist! You will have to tell her that her cousin loved her artwork!!
I'm with you one this topic Mary. I watched my two year old granddaughter the other day as she handled here first paint brush. I was amazed at how definite her strokes were and how she seemed to know exactly what she wanted to do. It is such a joy to have the time to just sit back and watch such unbridled enjoyment. How lucky we are as Nana's.
FRAME 'EM! They are so beautiful, fresh,,joyfilled.
Such fun, I've had the experience too. We've painted, collaged,,, I found fabulous safe scissors for 3 year olds. (Cuts paper; not hair, fabric or skin)
And Jack's favorite was making/painting/baking and wiring clay beads. They hang in his room and he is proud.
Great post!
Finally, after a couple of weeks gone, I'm all caught up...
I love how children don't judge, they just slap on the colour or draw the dragon with no thought to how good it is - or isn't.
When do we become so critical of ourselves?
I remember as a kid I used to love drawing. Then someone at school said I didn't draw well and I never drew again.
Why do we encourage math skills and such, but not art?
And that's my philosophical rant of the day.
I wish I could paint like this....sigh....
I've been a lurker following & enjoying your blog. I kept sending good vibes during your painting "block"!
I don't have a grandchild, but I teach a (soon to be) 4 year old art on Saturdays. Amazing what he has taught me! Really enjoyed today's photos.
Leslie, that's Betsy, sophisticated and full of life. She's a little ball of inspiration. And yes, it was fun.
Regina: Betsy is four, a perfect age for this type of activity. I hope to spend more time with her after her baby sister is born in June or July. She likes the attention.
Lauren: She's a pistol, isn't she? She's leaving for Florida today and called me last night, asking me if I was going to cry because she was leaving. I asked her if she wanted me to; she said yes. So I told her I would cry until she came back. She thought that was a great idea.
Margaret: I was ready to let Bety go with the paint and read my book, but I became so fascinated with what she was doing that I forgot all about reading. It is definitely a joy to be around those babies.
Babs: Both grandkids are intrigued with scissors. They have magical powers. I will try the beads. And yes, I am framing the yellow one for her mom's Mother's day gift.
Jazz: It's so weird how one little comment can affect the rest of your life. I remember overhearing my aunt tell my mother that I would grow up to have a messy house because I would rather read than work. True, but for a long time, I couldn't relax until the house was immaculate. Thank god that's over.
Jeane: Oh, girl, you can paint like that. . . you do paint like that, except enhanced by experience and knowledge.
Marie, glad you joined the gang and commented. I have heard that teachers learn as much from their students as vice versa. It's so cool that parents would encourage a 4-year-old's art interest.
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