Friday, March 7, 2008

. . . learned of wonder

Only the art of being "Nana" today. Joe is endlessly fascinated by everything. . . opening and closing the small shutters on the front door side windows; his inability to detach the fringe on the hall rug; the sound of the TV remote hitting the glass topped coffee table; the hidey-hole under the bookshelves; the taste of leaves; and most especially, the knobs on this old cabinet, the lampshade, and the ring of keys hanging there. And I am endlessly fascinated by what he's learning. He uses all of his senses to explore his environment. I think creative people look at the world the way a child does . . . everything has the potential for wonderment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boy, he's a cutie--and he looks like he likes getting into stuff. Love getting the photos of Betsy and Joe. I check your blog everyday. Keep it up--it's great.
