Tuesday, April 21, 2009

. . . were almost finished

cleaning up the garden plots. I have one more spot to rake out and then I have to chomped up the leaves and spread the resulting compost around. I found a bunch of big fat juicy worms hanging around, which is always a good thing. A toad that I thought was a rock scared the crap out of me the other day. It's weird when a rock moves in your hand, isn't it? The toad hopped off into the base of an evergreen bush just as the neighbor's cat discovered it. The cat seemed to be a bit confused that a rock would hop, too. I started digging up a whole patch of garden phlox that had taken over a large part of the garden. It's pretty when it blooms, but the deer eat it and it has invaded and taken over the surrounding plantings, so it's got to go. The roots go deep and it's hard work. The bigger hunks I will replant out in the green belt between the house and the golf course. The phlox can naturalize and grow as wild as it wants out there. One of the bits of nature that fascinates me is how weeds and other seeds snuggle right down next to and among the shoots and roots of "good" plants, so that you have to dig up the plant to get rid of the weed. Natural self-preservation. . . you gotta love the tenacity of those weeds.

In between bouts outside, I finished the painting above and I have started another one. I'm going for color, color, color. I want it to stand out on the wall. I want it to be happy. This picture is crooked, but the painting isn't. The inner critic is screaming at me. . .


Leslie Avon Miller said...

Color, color, color. It is a strength of yours, indeed. I love this painting. Looks like a city scape, abstracted of course. I would love to have this painting standing out on my wall!

Miki Willa said...

What a great painting! I love the color and the shapes along the bottom. It is very happy.

Jazz said...

I've often wondered who gets to decide what the weeds are. If the weeds were the plants we wanted, things would be so much easier.

Mary Buek said...

Leslie and Miki: Thanks for the comments on this painting. I am so trying to get back in the swing of things. I really appreciate your support.

Jazz: I completely agree with you. I took the grandbabies into the garden Sunday and they were captivated by the dandelions. Yet I just spent two days digging up phlox and trying to rid the garden of those "good" plants. A weed is just a plant growing where you don't want it.