Friday, July 3, 2009

. . . searched for inspiration

A few weeks ago, I went with the kids to see Thomas the Tank Engine (or whatever he's called), and took a real train ride with them on a restored section of train track in Baldwin City, Kansas. There was no time to explore at that time, but I went back yesterday, and here are some of the results. I really love the picture above. . . don't know why, it's certainly not abstract. I think it is all about the colors, the mood. . .

I like the way the corrugated metal around this door looks like black and white stripes.

I took almost 300 pictures. After shooting the train and the adjacent grain elevator, I explored around a place. . . I don't even know what you would call it. Not exactly a junk yard, not a recycling center. . . just full of cool rusting metal stuff and falling down buildings.

I have not had time to even look at all the pictures, let alone edit them. But I certainly found what I was looking for. . . texture, color, shapes.

Amazing stuff. I will use some of this in my future paintings.


mamadoc said...

These ARE inspiring. I got lost in the first for ten minutes or so before I could go on. I want to look for, and hear from you, more about the connections between specific photographs and specific pieces of art (insofar as that exists).
Mary, you have to start marketing your photographs.

Karen Stiehl Osborn said...

Ohhhh, I am jealous --- what a great photo hunt!

Mary Buek said...

Mama: Do I hear you offering to market them? I am awful at that kind of thing.

Karen: Next time you're in town, we can take a road trip. It's only about 20 minutes away (from me, more from downtown.)

Jazz said...

Spectacular photos... I love the first and last ones.

Gina said...

Great photos, Mary! More importantly, I'm happy the Muses are calling you back to create.

Mary Buek said...

Jazz, the first one is certainly one of my favorites, too, and I like the striations of the stacked pieces, too.

Gina, you're right. . . I'm in a creative zone. I have also finished another four paintings, none of which are actually inspired by these photos but perhaps just by going on the hunt for them.