Here's another small painting made from excess and leftover paint. The original is bigger than this, and I usually like to pick out the most interesting parts, but I had a hard time deciding how to crop this one. Either it was all bad or all good. . .
Walter the Art Guy is coming to town this weekend. He will take all that I have produced, which is slim pickin's indeed. You would think that after a couple of months of working full time, my internal clock would have adjusted and I'd be pretty productive in the evenings. Wrong. I just want to sleep. And on weekends, too. Such an unproductive use of time, sleep. . . especially when you dream about art but are too tired to make it. I'm not stressing about it, though. I know there will come a time that I will feel like I can't go another minute without painting, and then I'll be on a roll. I'm just waiting for that time and getting ready.
It's not a problem with your internal clock, I'll wager. It's just February taking it out of you.
I like these new pieces. Very bold and decisive. great color and lots of interesting bits.
Another wonderful piece! Love the red.
Really Like this piece,it's interesting and has a bit of thoughtful color to it.......
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